Another Great Day

So today was pretty good. I am thankful to God that he has blessed me with good health and two wonderful babies. I am so thankful to God that he woke me up this morning. I am lucky to have God in my life. Yeah okay so, I am not like all religious and stuff BUT, I DO believe in God. Okay you Atheists will have a field day with that. BUT, whatever, I don't care. Y'all can believe what y'all want and I will believe what I want to. So anyways, I had a pretty good day at work. Cheryl came in at 11 to work a mid shift so I got to work with her and April. I changed the gas prices today. We went down to $1.79. So hell yeah for that. That's always good because it brings more customers. After work I had a meeting with my District Sales Manager from Avon. That lasted about 2 hours and it went pretty good. Got lots of information from her and my Team Leader Melissa. Now I am home with the babies and ready to relax and spend time with them. I have been doing Avon stuff since I got home so now its time to just relax and kick back and cuddle with them.


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