At Work Today

So one of our regular customer's came in today with her boyfriend and he got his usual Red Bull's and she got her coffee. I rinsed her cup out for her because it had coffee in it that had frozen. Then she went and got some Juva Roast which might I add I got her hooked on. If you have never heard of Juva Roast Coffee it is the best. It is made by S&D Coffee Co and it is anti-oxident enriched coffee which means it is good for you plus it has an anti-ox energy boost in it. So its a win win all the way around. I love it, it tastes so good. Anyways so she got her coffee and came up to the counter and was asking me about the Shell Fuel Rewards program. She asked if you got 5 cents off of gas on the Fuel Rewards Card when you get a refill and I was like yep. She then asked how much a refill was and I told her $.89 and when I rang it up it came to $.75. She was like I pay $1.49 for a refill at 711. So she proceeded to leave but then turned around and said you made my day, I hope you have a great day. I was like thank you. That made me feel good that I made her day


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