Home YAY

So I got home around 3:10pm and Cinder and Rocky were so happy to see me and boy was I glad to see them. I miss my babies when I am work. I let them outside to pee and to play and then we came in. I ended up going to Dollar General to buy a small heater for the bedroom and I bought a Juicer/Chopper/Blender or whatever you would like to call it. I bought it for when I start making Raw Smoothies which I am going to start on Monday. These past couple days I have been feeling lazy and the cold has just worn me out, don't feel like doing much really. At least if it requires going outside and leaving the house. Its too cold to go outside so I have been procrastinating when it comes to going grocery shopping. I ordered from Little Maria's Pizza again this evening. Third day in a row I have ordered from there. I haven't cooked in 3 days. I need to go grocery shopping so I can cook again but I don't have anything to cook so I have just been ordering takeout. We have been eating hamburgers and tuna subs from Little Maria's. They have the best hamburgers though. They're not greasy and full of fat like you would get from Mcdonalds or Burger King. These burgers taste and look homemade. And they're sooooo good too. Cinder and Rocky are taking a nap right now. Rocky is laying next to me asleep and snoring. Poor puggie wuggie. Lol.


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